Monday, November 17, 2008

Mic Check a One Two a One Two

Is anybody like me that when they see one of these
they have to check their blood pressure?  Every time I'm in a drug store or super market and I see a blood pressure machine I have the sudden urge to take my left arm out of my coat and stick in it the cuff and get my Systolic over Diastolic.  Tonight on our way back from Whit's class we made our daily CVS stop and we both had the urge to check our blood pressure.  So we did and it turns out we are not going to die anytime soon. Wahoo!   


rich said...

Seriously! I LOVE THOSE THINGS! I miss Shopper's Drug Mart in Canada. You could consistently rely on them to have those things.

tara said...

I never get that urge, because all I see when I look at it is GERMS. Also, DAILY trips to cvs? You are committed.

Stephen said...

I la la love these as well. The one in the RB was always broken but 9 times out of 10, I would still sit down and give it a go!

Lauren Andersen said...

i always have the urge to check... joe and i had a competition to see whose was lower and i won. i think i was 93/53 with 54 HR he was a bit over me 117/72 and 67 HR or something... also, at work i am constantly checking vitals so when i am waiting for a patient or have time on my hands i am checking my vitals at work also!! i love it!