Sunday, July 19, 2009

Bring It On

I am watching Bring It On for the first time in years. Don't judge, it's a Sunday night where I feel crappy and it was on Encore. Yay for DVR.

Anyway, I was immediately reminded of how much of a massive crush I had on this guy.

Constantly wearing headphones, plays the guitar, in love with the clash, makes music mixes for his crushes, dark and handsome....

No wonder all these years later I fell hard for this one.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Adventure Number 526: Registering

Editors Note: I promised Mike I would not, under any circumstances, post again until he had. I reminded him of all of the praise that he got from his last post and pushed him to write again. But he has refused. And so I found this in the annals of the unpublished works of Michael W. Lau, dating all the way back to last June. It is unfinished, but it still made me giggle. Enjoy.

A few weekends ago Whitney and I decided that we were going to tackle one of the big items off of our to do list. We decided we were going to register. Little did we know what a big deal this was going to be. After a couple grueling days, multiple big gulps, two packages of dots, and one jr cheeseburger from Wendy's we were somewhat registered.

The first obstacle was deciding where we were going to register. The list of places we had was ridiculously long. It felt like we were reading war and peace. It ranged from Pottery Barn to Toys'R'Us to Walmart to Versaci to Costco to Wendy's to Radio Shack to hundreds of others. She had her favorites and I had mine. So in order to decide where we were going to register we did it in the most civilized way possible, a staring contest, quick me and you. Well as we all know I suck at staring contest and she got 3 out of the 4. I think she let me have the last one cuz she felt bad.

After we decided where we were going to register the next challenge we faced was agreeing on what to register for. She was adamant on having a china set by Kate Spade while I really wanted a Martha Stewart set. Needles to say we went with the Kate Spade set after security had to come and make her release me from a headlock. In the end we went with most of her choices due to the violence inherent in the system.

Bingeing and Purging

Most of you know I like to shop. I blame it partly on my mom. She is one of the most stylish women you will ever meet. I swear there is a gene she passed down that makes me crave clothes and shoes and handbags (at a discount, of course). This gene did not start to express itself until I was in college, but nevermind the time lapse, I can say now that I am officially addicted to a good deal (the more off the retail price, the better).

I went on a purge of shopping last month. I sold a bunch of clothes up in the Haight and I decided to hold myself to a little contract I wrote on a post-it note. No buying clothes or shoes for 1 month. Simple enough.

I told my mom about this little experiment. Her reaction..."but this is the best time for sales!" Touche. (Side note: My mom does encourage me to save my money! She is not always devil's advocate.) (Side note 2: Mike is a really good analyzer of purchases. I usually ask his advice and he is good at talking me out of purchases I will regret and letting me know when he knows I'll really like something. Sometimes though I just go for it.)
I made it 3 weeks into my 4 week stint. The breaking point was this email in my inbox.

The email was opened at 11:04 AM and I went directly to kate spade's website at 11:05 AM and then called the store at 11:06 AM. Seeing that the skirt I had eyed for months was an additional amount off, I knew I couldn't hold out one more week for fear it would sell out. I took my lunch a little early and went over to the store. I ended up with earrings, necklace, skirt and shoes. Oops. Talk about falling off the wagon.

For the 4th of July Mike and I went down to Huntington Beach. We were planning on going to Disneyland on the 3rd, but then opted out the night before due to the local's warning of 2 hour lines. (boo!) So guess where we went on Friday...South Coast Plaza. Bad news. No major damage there, although I did find two skirts at Zara that were more than half off, not bad. Plus they count as work skirts too -- hooray!

Corey picked us up and we went to her favorite DSW. Trouble. What am I supposed to do with 70% off designer shoes? Buy two pairs. (I saved $700!)

Then on Saturday, Gilt Groupe had John Varvatos for Converse where the perfect navy trench coat appeared. I thought about it for a while, showed it to Corey and got her approval. (San Francisco is perfect trench weather!) It was added to the cart and the next thing I knew I had made another purchase.

Last week was Gilt Groupe's final clothing and accessories sale. I knew I could not keep myself away from this either. The deals are too incredible. I got a handbag that was $1,100 for $168. And two pairs of shoes (where to put all of these shoes!?)

Needless to say, I fell off the wagon. Hard. And I will admit I am now sick of shopping (no, really).

But this week on Friday is the Nordstrom sale. Oh No.

P.S. I am an enabler. (thanks Corey!) If anyone wants a Gilt Groupe invitation, let me know. Don't say I didn't warn you.