Even though today is Veterans Day and it's more about World War I than it is about World War II I felt it was appropriate to celebrate today buy buying Band of Brothers on Blu-ray! I might add that it was originally $75 but it was on sale at Best Buy since it was a new release and we had a coupon for $20 bucks off so we ended up getting it for $30 bucks. That's less than the DVD set costs at Costco. Woot! So I want to thank Best Buy for helping us celebrate Veterans Day.
In BLURAY!... lucky
I always think of underwater forms of life when people talk about blu-ray. Wet, rubbery, slippery, and digital. yes.
Michael you are a man after my own heart! And $30?!? Way to go bargain hunter. I totally ordered Citizen Soldiers just the other day. I think I read everything Stephen Ambrose ever wrote because I used all his books as sources for my last undergrad paper.
I'm so going home and watching BoB tonight. Oh man I want Winters so bad.
The most awesome thing is that we saw the Blu-ray at newbury comics for 89.99. That made me feel good we got it for $30! :D
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